Invest like CopyTrendPro top investors
Replicate the investment moves of other traders in real time, automatically.
Why copy top-performing traders?
Invest like our best-performing traders: simply choose an investor to copy, and when they trade, so do you.
Start/stop copying and add/remove funds at any time
Copied trades are replicated to your portfolio in real time
Invest with invested traders
Buy the assets they buy for themselves
Copying is free
No additional charges for using the CopyTrader feature
Save time
Manage your portfolio without having to constantly watch the markets
Leverage their expertise
Benefit from their knowledge and experience
Meet our Popular Investors
Thousands of investors, each with a unique strategy, risk level and transparent track record, are available for you to copy. Choose just one, or build a team of up to 100 traders to "work" for you simultaneously.




The traders you copy get paid directly as part of our Popular Investor Program. Interested in earning income by being copied on CopyTrendPro? Click Here
How it works
CopyTrader is built to be simple and intuitive. Just find the investor you wish to copy through the Copy Discover page — there, you can search for the kind of investor you're looking for.